Club Run to the Mortlake Picnic

After a successful run up the ring road out of Waurn
Ponds at 45mph topping the crest at Barrabool road overpass
at 40 mph and then down to the Batesford Hotel for a
morning coffee run in March, the Dodge had the bit
between its teeth and needed the run to Portarlington for
the tinker day at Lorraine Collinson's to view Barry's
Following on, the Federation's Mortlake Picnic beckoned
and so after a 6am wakeup we were off around 7.30am,
with the Dodge enjoying its second climb out of Waurn
Ponds and on the Hamilton Highway to Mortlake.
Apart for a couple of pit stops on the way we arrived on
the outskirts of Mortlake around 10.30am with that Green
8 cylinder Packard of Fred Dosser breathing down our
necks, wheeling around the roundabout and entering at
caravan park grounds we arrived first cab off the rank.
Whooooo, 4 cylinder beats 8! Yeah right.
Parked with Fred, probably in the wrong spot and settled
in for an enjoyable day catching up with ex club president
John Smith and his fair lady Judy, as well Max and Gwen
Tucker and Shane and Simon Perrot, Crossley owners
who had trailered their 15/30 Crossley from Inverleigh.
Walking around we found where we were supposed to
park with the 8.30am departure mob including Ken and
Jenny Parry in the Falcon hardtop, Rod in the Triumph
Stag, Bob in the Ford Capri, Bill Guthrie in the Holden ute
with period caravan, Richard and Margaret Saffron in the
Mercedes and Keith Harris in the 1952 Riley sedan.
Enjoyed a lunch as part of being there and chatted with all.
Raffle time around 2 resulted in no wins for the Newtons
and departed the grounds around 3 after saying our fair
wells and safe trip home. Arrived home around 6 after a
non-stop run home recording an average fuel economy
figure of 15 miles per gallon.
A great day's vintage motoring and if Ken can keep the
weather gods in place we will be 'out and about'.
- Harold Newton
Western District Historic Vehicle Club
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