Events Calendar
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Western District Historic Vehicle Club
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Friday 31 January Backfire folding morning
9am Clubrooms. Contact: Peter Telfer 0427 526 938

Thursday 6 February Coffee Run
to the Point Lonsdale Golf Club, 31 Clubhouse Drive Pt Lonsdale. Start time from 10am and there should be plenty of parking. Happy days and see you there. Cheers from the Coffee Co-ordinator. Contact: Col 0425 822 026

Tuesday 11 February General Meeting 7.30pm
in Clubrooms.

Wednesday 12 February Dine Out.
White Eagle in Townsend Road Breakwater Contact Sharyn 0417 546 089

Sunday 16 February Waterfront Display
10am - approx. 3pm. Please bring a chock for your wheels as it is a requirement. I will guide you in to park with my vest on, as a safety procedure. Enter from Cunningham Pier. Names taken at February meeting.
Contact: Ken 0437 254 351

Tuesday 18 February Committee Meeting
7.30pm in clubrooms.

Sunday 23 February Membership Renewal BBQ
12 noon to 3pm, Clubrooms. (To reduce the rush before monthly club meetings.) A chance to catch up and renew your membership. (NOTE. Membership renewals will also be taken between 6.30pm and 7.30pm, before the February & March monthly meetings. Membership Renewal Forms are included with the Feb. Backfire.)
Contact: Barb van Galen 0408 664 537.

Monday 24 February March Backfire Deadline 5pm
. Contact: Jon B 0417 311 441

Tuesday 25 February Tech Night “Wheels & Tyres”. Don't say you are too TYRED. Come to the clubrooms around 7 pm, so we can set up for a 7.30 pm start. We will have a WHEELIE good time. Bring along steel, aluminium, carbon fibre, or wooden wheels (wooden wheels included so Morgan owners don't feel left out). Cross ply, bias belted, radial, run flat, beaded edge, slick, race, or even stupid, low profile that puncture when you hit a pothole. Wear your name badge to win a free chocolate frog. Contact:
Peter Telfer 0427 526 938.

Friday 28 February Backfire folding morning
9am Clubrooms. Contact: Peter Telfer 0427 526 938

Thursday 6 March Coffee Run TBC
Contact: Col 0425 822 026